Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Seeking Help

Sorry, for the delayed post!! I have been rambling with 100 million things that I need to finish so didn't find time to say 'hi'.

I'm seeking help from all the tatting community. I wanted to know quick and easy way to block your tatting. What methods people use to make their work stand out? I know I have read in somewhere (can't remember!), clear nail polish that is often used as a top coat after polishing nails is used. However, I have tried it and it makes it dull and quite stiff.

Are there any other methods that are quick and easy and enhance your tatting? Please advice! I would really appreciate....

Looking forward for all the replies....

Monday, July 25, 2011

Drawing Patterns

As I mentioned in last blog entries, I am enrolled in the designing class. We recently did a lesson on drawing patterns. This is very first lesson and we have ways to go to get all the features of design software. I would like to share with you all my very first computer based drawing. I had fun doing it yet it was very tedious to do. I hope it makes sense as well.

I would have loved if my original design was nearly good as my drawing but I will keep trying to get it better. I am optimistic that it is only matter of stitch count and thread tension and everything should fall in place. Although I have not blocked my lace but lot of people mention that helps to settle the lace as well. Either way, I know I need to do the design again....

Best of Best!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Pattern for my Rose Ric-Rac Doily

I can't believe how time is flying... We are almost touching mid-July. It has been a very busy month with finding time to do my extra curricular activities such as Designing in Tatting class that I have joined offered by Sharon (Her Blog).

I did a pattern from a base motif for our last lesson. In our latest homework we are required to write a short and long version of pattern for the same design that we tatted. I believe this was a first homework that I was right on!!! Actually, I started writing the pattern after I had some mishaps during tatting my design and I was modifying the design as I was tatting avoiding any past mistakes that came through during writing the pattern which allowed me to change the design pattern simultaneously. However, I was writing it in long version. Only things that I had to do this time were to compile from long version to short version. Sharon wanted the homework in PDF so I also, coverted it from my handwriting to word typing and finally to PDF.

Here is pattern. Please do let me know if it makes sense and if you really like the design and adventurous enough to try it, please do.

R 4‐4‐4‐4, C6‐6
(R4+4‐4‐4, C6‐6, R4+4‐4‐4, C6‐6) repeat twice
R4+4‐4‐4, C6‐6
Repeat 2 times for a total of 8 rings and chains. Last chain to be split chain
SR 6‐6‐6‐6; C12
For Clover leaf (CL), R4‐4‐4‐4, R4+4‐4‐4, R4+4‐4‐4
RR C24, JR12+12 (+ to second picot of last R of CL), JR 12‐12, RR C24
CL + last JR (R4‐4+4‐4, R4+4‐4‐4, R4+4‐4‐4), C12
*R6‐6+6‐6 (join to third chain of the base motif), C12
CL + last JR (R4‐4+4‐4, R4+4‐4‐4, R4+4‐4‐4), RR C24, JR R12+12, JR R12‐12, RR C24
CL + last JR (R4‐4+4‐4, R4+4‐4‐4, R4+4‐4‐4), C12**
Repeat from * to ** twice. Join at base of the first SR, cut and hide threads.

Ring 4 ds, p, 4 ds, p, 4 ds, p, 4ds, RW. (Chain 6 ds, p, 6 ds. RW. Ring 4 ds, join to the last picot of the previous ring, 4 ds, p, 4 ds, p, 4ds, RW) Repeat 5 more times. Chain 6 ds, p, 6 ds, RW. Ring 4 ds, join to the last picot of the previous ring, 4 ds, p, 4 ds, join to the first picot of the first ring, 4ds, RW. Split Chain (SC) 6 ds, p, 6 ds.
Split Ring (SR) 6 ds, p, 6 ds, p, 6 ds, p 6 ds. DO NOT RW. Chain 12 ds. Clover leaf (CL) Ring 4 ds, p, 4 ds, p, 4 ds, p, 4ds; Ring 4 ds, join to first picot of the first ring, 4 ds, p, 4 ds, p, 4ds; Ring 4 ds, join to the third picot of second ring, 4 ds, p, 4 ds, p, 4ds, RW.
Rick Rac (RR) Chain 24 ds; Josephine Ring (JR) 12 ds, join to second picot of last ring on CL, 12 ds; JR 12 ds, p, 12 ds; RR Chain 24, CL (Ring 4 ds, p, 4 ds, join to the picot of JR, 4 ds, p 4ds; Ring 4 ds, join to the last picot of first ring, 4 ds, p, 4 ds, p 4 ds), RW. Chain 12 ds.
*Ring 6 ds, p, 6 ds, join to third chain on the base motif, 6 ds, p 6 ds. Chain 12 ds. CL (Ring 4 ds, p, 4 ds, join to the picot of JR, 4 ds, p 4ds; Ring 4 ds, join to the last picot of first ring, 4 ds, p, 4 ds, p 4 ds). RR Chain 24 ds. JR 12 ds, join to the second picot of last ring of CL, 12 ds. JR 12 ds, p, 12 ds. RR Chain 24 ds. CL (Ring 4 ds, p, 4 ds, join to the picot of JR, 4 ds, p 4ds; Ring 4 ds, join to the last picot of first ring, 4 ds, p, 4 ds, p 4 ds). Chain 12 ds.**
Repeat from * to ** twice. Join at the base of first SR, cut and hide the ends.

C = Chain
Ds = double‐stitch
JR = Josephine Ring
P = picot
R = Ring
RR = Rick Rac
RW = Reverse work
SR = Spilt Ring
SC = Spilt Chain

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Sharons Tatting Design Class 2011

Sharon is offering a tatting design class this year again and I happen to enroll in it. It is a very good opportunity to know many expert and new tatters like me in the class. We all work together to learn the basics and than take them to each others proximity depending upon the level.

We are on lesson 4 that wanted us to create our own design using a common ring and flower center motif. I was bit nervous about this lesson since I have tatted using other people's pattern but have not tried creating my own design. I am still learning in tatting and I don't think I have reached far enough to do the 'real designing'. Despite my apprehension, I was able to come up with a fair design on paper. I was able to bring my basic techniques to play for this lesson. I was able to design something that include split rings and chains, clover leaves, rick-rack and Josephine knot. Real challenge came when I started tatting it.

I think I still need to work on my stitch count. My design came out be bit cramped and crowded yet I wanted it to have little bit more negative space than what I ended up having. I believe having two transitioning rings instead of only one big one from the basic motif might have helped a bit. I will try again to see if this theory works. For now, I'm proud of my design in spite of the difficulties that I came across. Perhaps, I can get some more suggestions from my blog friends-- ;)-- what say???


Thursday, June 9, 2011

Spring 2011 Bookmark Exchange

We finally see some sun in California after such a dramatic weather..... I hope summer has finally arrived ;)...

My passion for tatting was motivation for me this year to join inTatters for spring 2011 bookmark exchange and also join, a designing class that is offered by Sharon. I believe that things like bookmark exchange and 'have to do homework' keeps me up for tatting. Otherwise, it gets hard to even pick up shuttle and thread in the frantic everyday life!!!

I was so happy to receive my bookmark in mail yesterday. It was not just bookmark but also some lovely words from my tatting buddy. I can't tell you the exact feeling--it was amazing! When I opened the envelope and saw a letter, my eyes just brightened!!! It's just that we have forgotten this old ritual of writing to each other. But I really appreciate that my tatting buddy was very thoughtful and shared herself with me!! I went through lot of mood swings as I was reading line by line and kept wondering as someone was telling her story sitting right next to me. I was happy reading it for a moment yet nostalgic at some stances.

Along with the letter came a bookmark!!! I call it a 'friendship bookmark'. Very well worked on and with utmost precision. She picked a turquoise blue and violet shade with colors blended at right consistency. Not just me, my mom-in-law was amazed while glancing at it. It brought a huge smile to me and still very appreciative with amount of effort and sincerity that my buddy opened herself up with me!!!!

On my end, I chose to do "fan ornament" pattern by Teri Dusenbury. I picked up white thread to do it. I hope my receiving tatting buddy finds it useful and likes it as well!!! It is gift made by heart for my stranger tatting buddy!!!

Until further....

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother Day's to everyone!! I hope everyone had a blast day and made wishes, received cool gifts and relaxed for one more "Mommy day". I can add that it is an awesome feeling when kids around you wish you happy M-day be it any kid. One feeling of it makes you be happy and cherish the moment.

On the separate note, Mother's day also gave me head start of my TAT-Tatting proficiency program (Apprentice Phase I). I finished the first project today. I believe this project was for evaluating on how you perform on starting the project and finish off the project. I want to make a note of it that the sense that this is going to get evaluated made me nervous and I was extra cautious in my tatting. I don't know if it is good or bad. To me I believe, I do a good job (than this one) otherwise. I will let you all decide!

For the new beginning....

Friday, May 6, 2011

"Goodies" in the Mail

I'm certainly getting a lot more mail... that's basically it.
Sam Mendes
It was fun day yesterday!! I can seen green, red, peach, gold, blue, all wrapped in a cardboard box with some packing materials. Colors of these threads were so fresh to eyes and tempting to start working with them right away. I am not being anecdotal here but explaining how I really felt about the threads, which I received from Handy Hands. They looked awesome!!!

I have not started working with at this moment because of work and other stuff yet I'm equally excited that week is winding up today and I can finally start planning to what I should start making with them. We'll see!

Stay tune, friends!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Spiral Bloom Earrings

Some Background:

With all the inspiring thoughts that I received on my come back blog entry, I thought to start with a happy note!!! I came across this beautiful thread from that I got from Yarnplayer as a sample when I ordered her first book “Boutique Tatting”. I’m not sure what it is called but I made these small earrings before with them as well!

I came across many of your fresh ideas and designs as I refreshed myself again with Tatting community on the net. This was inspiring enough to come up with something that I can call my own design. I can’t address my self as a designer yet because I guess it would take lot more effort, time and commitment. I am still a neophyte who is taking baby steps and learn everyday.


It is a very simple design with a simple three ring tatted flowers extended on two long helix strings made using Josephine knots. Both strings are joined on the top by simple 8-8 ring through which findings are attached to the piece.

It was a mind-boggling event since I am not so good in drawing designs on paper yet. I would appreciate some expert advice on how to draw awesome designs as many of you (Yarnplayer, Jon Yousf, Elizabeth, etc.) use in making diagrams or patterns?

Another challenge that I came across was finishing off the piece. I used steam iron to set the piece and than used some clear nail polish to finish it off. It wasn’t impressive end piece. But to my surprise, the clear nail polish changed the appearance of the color of the thread. It became dark and dull. I would again appreciate some expert advise here as to what is recommended way to finish the piece off?

I hope to hear back from you. Your feedback is very important for me through this learning phase. Please help me improve through this progression to next phase of tatting!

With Regards!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Hola!!! Come back after long time...

Hi all

I guess it was a long break.... Well, lot has been happening for almost past two years. I have been EXTREMELY busy in my life. I got my daughter in June 2009 and started school (my graduate degree) in the fall of same year. Now that I am half way back in getting full sleep (my daughter still needs some cuddling in middle of the night), and almost done with school, my creative juices are kicking back again.

I was away for long time but my interest in tatting and other forms of art never faded away. I oftenly visited many of you through your blogs (Yarnplayer, Sharon, Tattingchic, Elizabeths Lace, to name a few!). I tried to be up to date on some stuff but might have lagged behind to keep up with all the details. I would appreciate if I get the view of latest and greatest in tatting community.

With a long and boring opening, I would like to ask if some of you tried tatting on the rings. I know Elizabeth did. I am trying to learn the technique from Jon Yousf's book. However, not clear on the second part of the double stitch. Do we bring the tatting shuttle through the ring and than into the loop? Is there a way to do this on smaller rings through which shuttle can't pass? Insights, suggestions, feedback is highly appreciated!!!

I hope to hear back from you all!