I can't believe how time is flying... We are almost touching mid-July. It has been a very busy month with finding time to do my extra curricular activities such as Designing in Tatting class that I have joined offered by Sharon (
Her Blog).
I did a pattern from a base motif for our last lesson. In our latest homework we are required to write a short and long version of pattern for the same design that we tatted. I believe this was a first homework that I was right on!!! Actually, I started writing the pattern after I had some mishaps during tatting my design and I was modifying the design as I was tatting avoiding any past mistakes that came through during writing the pattern which allowed me to change the design pattern simultaneously. However, I was writing it in long version. Only things that I had to do this time were to compile from long version to short version. Sharon wanted the homework in PDF so I also, coverted it from my handwriting to word typing and finally to PDF.
Here is pattern. Please do let me know if it makes sense and if you really like the design and adventurous enough to try it, please do.

R 4‐4‐4‐4, C6‐6
(R4+4‐4‐4, C6‐6, R4+4‐4‐4, C6‐6) repeat twice
R4+4‐4‐4, C6‐6
Repeat 2 times for a total of 8 rings and chains. Last chain to be split chain
SR 6‐6‐6‐6; C12
For Clover leaf (CL), R4‐4‐4‐4, R4+4‐4‐4, R4+4‐4‐4
RR C24, JR12+12 (+ to second picot of last R of CL), JR 12‐12, RR C24
CL + last JR (R4‐4+4‐4, R4+4‐4‐4, R4+4‐4‐4), C12
*R6‐6+6‐6 (join to third chain of the base motif), C12
CL + last JR (R4‐4+4‐4, R4+4‐4‐4, R4+4‐4‐4), RR C24, JR R12+12, JR R12‐12, RR C24
CL + last JR (R4‐4+4‐4, R4+4‐4‐4, R4+4‐4‐4), C12**
Repeat from * to ** twice. Join at base of the first SR, cut and hide threads.
Ring 4 ds, p, 4 ds, p, 4 ds, p, 4ds, RW. (Chain 6 ds, p, 6 ds. RW. Ring 4 ds, join to the last picot of the previous ring, 4 ds, p, 4 ds, p, 4ds, RW) Repeat 5 more times. Chain 6 ds, p, 6 ds, RW. Ring 4 ds, join to the last picot of the previous ring, 4 ds, p, 4 ds, join to the first picot of the first ring, 4ds, RW. Split Chain (SC) 6 ds, p, 6 ds.
Split Ring (SR) 6 ds, p, 6 ds, p, 6 ds, p 6 ds. DO NOT RW. Chain 12 ds. Clover leaf (CL) Ring 4 ds, p, 4 ds, p, 4 ds, p, 4ds; Ring 4 ds, join to first picot of the first ring, 4 ds, p, 4 ds, p, 4ds; Ring 4 ds, join to the third picot of second ring, 4 ds, p, 4 ds, p, 4ds, RW.
Rick Rac (RR) Chain 24 ds; Josephine Ring (JR) 12 ds, join to second picot of last ring on CL, 12 ds; JR 12 ds, p, 12 ds; RR Chain 24, CL (Ring 4 ds, p, 4 ds, join to the picot of JR, 4 ds, p 4ds; Ring 4 ds, join to the last picot of first ring, 4 ds, p, 4 ds, p 4 ds), RW. Chain 12 ds.
*Ring 6 ds, p, 6 ds, join to third chain on the base motif, 6 ds, p 6 ds. Chain 12 ds. CL (Ring 4 ds, p, 4 ds, join to the picot of JR, 4 ds, p 4ds; Ring 4 ds, join to the last picot of first ring, 4 ds, p, 4 ds, p 4 ds). RR Chain 24 ds. JR 12 ds, join to the second picot of last ring of CL, 12 ds. JR 12 ds, p, 12 ds. RR Chain 24 ds. CL (Ring 4 ds, p, 4 ds, join to the picot of JR, 4 ds, p 4ds; Ring 4 ds, join to the last picot of first ring, 4 ds, p, 4 ds, p 4 ds). Chain 12 ds.**
Repeat from * to ** twice. Join at the base of first SR, cut and hide the ends.
C = Chain
Ds = double‐stitch
JR = Josephine Ring
P = picot
R = Ring
RR = Rick Rac
RW = Reverse work
SR = Spilt Ring
SC = Spilt Chain