I think I struggled a bit this time to decide what to make apart from jewellery. I was going through my tatting books when I came across this doily. I thought it was perfect to make as I have the thread and the purpose for this one to make.
I got lot of crochet cotton left from one of my previous crochet projects. I thought it would be good use of it and also, the color matches the color scheme of my son's room, where I want to incorporate this doily. It turned out to be very good project. I liked it personally!!!
Honestly, I have finished making it long time ago (may be 2 weeks ago) but didn't got a chance to share it with you all. When I started 25 motif challenge, I thought I will be able to make 2 motifs a month but I believe its taking me a long time. My mathematical average is .8333. I want to increase it dramatically to finish my challenge!
I hope I will be able to catch up soon and of course, you guys are there to encourage.